CRN Number Registration Problems, Pitfalls, and the Dreaded Loop of Despair
From my years worked at ABSA as a Safety Codes Officer, together with my engineering experience in industry and now at Cammar Corporation, I have
From my years worked at ABSA as a Safety Codes Officer, together with my engineering experience in industry and now at Cammar Corporation, I have
Well, hopefully this won’t sound repetitive, but CRN registration is required unless an exemption or Variance applies! Requirements vary by province/territory – some regions have
When should a CRN application be made? This is a common question. After all, knowing when you should apply for a CRN number is important.
In this space, some questions posed by customers and industry are published in case others have similar questions. Anonymity is preserved. Check back for updates
In this space, some questions posed by customers and industry are published in case others have similar questions. Anonymity is preserved. Check back for updates
It makes the most sense to include as many options as possible in a generic CRN registration to minimize the frequency of applications. In general,
In this space, some questions posed by customers and industry are published in case others have similar questions. Anonymity is preserved. Check back for updates
In this space, some questions posed by customers and industry are published in case others have similar questions. Anonymity is preserved. Check back for updates
Recently, Cammar Corporation was asked to deliver a presentation to pressure equipment industry professionals in Drayton Valley, Alberta, about Canadian Registration Number (CRN) topics of
Have you ever tried to sing along with the radio? Sometimes, harmony just doesn’t happen easily. Now, consider 13 people trying to sing along to the same tune. For them to sing in harmony, even with the same music, they would need to work at it quite a bit. But, I digress.
To get a Canada wide CRN (Canadian Registration Number), applications to 13 separate jurisdictions need to be considered and a comparable number of separate, independent regulatory reviews are required. Why? Well, in short, each province or territory in Canada is constitutionally responsible for legislation about public safety within their boundaries. Hence, time for parallel and separate reviews, then separate and additive fees, and then separate registrations, etc. are currently required. In this day and age, when ideas can flash around the globe at a key stroke, national CRN registration of designs (i.e. ideas) in Canada seems to be, well, quite awkward and glacial in December.
This is not to say that regulators do a bad job. On the contrary, they are needed, appreciated, and certainly do contribute to the safety of the populace by helping owners of equipment (users, manufacturers, distributors, etc.) meet safety requirements. Indeed, regulators are of particular im
Cammar Corporation is the combination of engineering experiences extending back to 1989. It’s Director, Cameron Sterling, MSc, PEng, worked on staff at ABSA, the CRN regulatory authority in Alberta, as a Safety Codes Officer evaluating CRN designs. The company has a solid foundation based on honesty, service, unyielding perseverance of quality and safety, proficient regulatory and technical expertise, thoroughness and practical experience. Cammar is licensed to practise professional engineering in Alberta, & Ontario.