Cammar Corporation Discusses Selected CRN Issues: Part 1

Cammar Corporation Discusses Selected CRN Issues: Part 1

Canadian Registration Number

Recently, Cammar Corporation was asked to deliver a presentation to pressure equipment industry professionals in Drayton Valley, Alberta, about Canadian Registration Number (CRN) topics of interest. Check out the video below for a brief introduction to some of the CRN issues that were presented.

If the content of the above video is something that would benefit your business or organization then I invite you to contact Cammar Corporation to schedule a CRN training session/presentation.

About Canadian Registration Number (CRN) Training:

Cammar Corporation can tailor training agendas and schedules to suit your needs.  The recent Canadian Registration Number training session in Drayton Valley was one and a half hours in length and included topics like:

  • Documentation requirements for CRN / pressure piping applications and construction reports
  • Pressure testing requirements and responsibilities relating to components and assemblies
  • Fitting modifications and procedures
  • Issues with intermixing components from different manufacturers
  • Priorities in building a QC program (Quality Control program content was discussed such as quality manuals, quality procedures and quality work products)

The training can be held at your workplace or place of convenience to deliver customized presentations about pressure equipment topics of most interest to you and your colleagues. Ordinarily if the presentation is in a conference room with about 15 people or less, the participants will be asked to introduce themselves so that they can mention any questions that they have on their minds, so they can be addressed during the presentation.

If the presentation is to one company and their representatives alone, then this allows for a detailed questions-answer period where confidential information can be discussed and solutions relating to their particular specific issues can be identified.

About the Facilitator:

Cameron Sterling MSc, PEng, Director, Cammar Corporation
Cameron Sterling is the Director of Cammar Corporation and he’ll be facilitating these learning sessions.

Cameron has been a professional engineer in Canada since 1991 and is registered in Alberta with APEGA (Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta) and Ontario with PEO (Professional Engineers Ontario).

Cameron provides engineering expertise in relation to pressure equipment design evaluation, compliance, and registration (CRNs). All of these topics are related to helping clientele obtain Canadian registration and to enhancing public safety.

His past working experience at ABSA as a Safety Codes Officer and NB Commissioned Inspector gives additional value and expertise to training sessions provided by Cammar Corporation. With a relatively high per capita concentration of pressure equipment in Alberta, ABSA is a very significant pressure equipment regulator in Canada. Experience and expertise enhanced from working at ABSA is very valuable to industry.

Cammar Corporation has a lot of experience to share about pressure equipment design evaluation and CRN registration. The comments in this presentation series are general in nature, so please bear in mind that specific topics relating to your particular situation deserve greater attention and advice tailored to your particular circumstances.  We would be pleased to speak with you about your particular projects in more detail.

For further information, stay tuned and for Cammar Corporation to tailor a presentation to meet your needs, don’t hesitate to contact us at your convenience.


Table of Contents


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