Why are CRN Numbers (Canadian Registration Numbers) required?
Canadian Registration Numbers (CRN numbers) identify unique pressure equipment designs for use in Canada, and must meet requirements. Each design concept has a unique number. One Canadian Registration Number can represent millions of individual items, each with a different serial number, that all conform to the CRN design. Canadian provincial regulatory authorities have cooperated to help ensure CRN numbers are tracked nationwide, and identifiable across provincial boundaries. CRN numbers are required to be stamped on equipment or, in the case of very small fittings, trackable with other identification markings. CSA B51, the Canadian “Boiler, Pressure Vessel, and Pressure Piping Code”, describes the required rules of CRN use in detail. Part 1, Clause 4 specifies that pressure fittings, pressure vessels, and boilers are assigned CRN numbers with the acceptance of regulatory authorities in provinces where the equipment is to be used. Vessel and boiler CRN numbers never start with a “0”. Fitting CRN numbers always do. All CRN numbers have a decimal point that follows the prefix assigned by the regulatory authority. For fittings, the letter following the “0” in the prefix corresponds to CSA B51 Table 1, and is used by regulatory authorities at their discretion to categorize the fitting according to type:
- Pipe fittings
- Flanges line
- Valves
- Flexible connections
- Strainers, filters, separators, traps
- Instrumentation
- Over pressure protection devices
- Items not in categories A to G
- B1234.256 pressure vessel design initially registered in Alberta, and also registered in Quebec and Ontario
- B1234.265 same CRN number as noted in 1 above despite reversal of “65”
- B1234.465 pressure vessel design different from items 1 and 2, and registered first in Manitoba
- 0B1234.265 flange design registered first in Alberta
- 0B1234.165 flange design different from that identified in item 4, and registered first in British Columbia
- 0B1234.2C flange design as noted in item 4, but registered in all Canadian regions
- 0B1234.2CL flange design as noted in item 4 above, but registered in all Canadian regions except those where registration is not required